
I. 目的

This Procedure is adopted to implement the 新型冠状病毒肺炎政策 (“政策”). 本程序的目的是向参加由最全菠菜网院(“学院”)提供的课程时需要佩戴呼吸器的员工和学生,或在临床现场自愿佩戴呼吸器代替面罩的员工和学生提供有关如何正确检查的通知, 穿, 删除, 使用, 商店, 维护, 检查, 进行密封检查, 并根据职业安全与健康管理局的指导,识别可能限制或阻止有效使用呼吸器的医学体征和症状.

II. 适用范围及适用性


3. 定义

A. Capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the 政策.

B. All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings:

1. 弹性呼吸器是指一种紧身性呼吸器,其面罩由合成材料或橡胶材料制成,可以消毒, 清洗, and re使用d according to manufacturer's instructions and is equipped with a replaceable cartridge(s), 罐(s), 或过滤器(年代).

2. 过滤式面罩呼吸器是指带有不可更换过滤器作为面罩的组成部分或整个面罩由不可更换过滤介质组成的负压微粒呼吸器.

3. 手卫生是指使用标准的洗手方法,用肥皂和自来水或酒精含量至少为60%的含酒精洗手液对手进行清洁和/或消毒.

4, 动力空气净化呼吸器(“PAPR”)是指一种空气净化呼吸器,它使用鼓风机迫使环境空气通过空气净化元件到达入口盖.

5. 要求使用者是指在参加学院提供的特定课程时,被学院通知必须使用呼吸器的员工或学生.

6. 呼吸器是指由美国国家职业安全与健康研究所根据42 CFR第84部分认证的一种个人防护设备或“PPE”,或根据紧急使用授权授权,并通过从环境(周围)空气中去除特定空气污染物或从安全来源提供可呼吸空气来防止空气传播危害, 包括但不限于, 过滤式口罩(如.g., N95), elastomeric respirators, and powered air purifying respirators or “PAPRs”. Face Coverings, facemasks, and face shields are not 呼吸机.

7. 紧凑型呼吸器是指吸入时面罩内的气压相对于呼吸器外的环境气压为负的呼吸器.g.(过滤面罩).

8. 用户密封检查是指由呼吸器用户执行的操作,以确定呼吸器是否正确地固定在面部.

9. Voluntary User means an Employee or Student who wears a Respirator while present at an AACC Location, but has not been required to wear a Respirator by the College.

IV.  呼吸机

A.  参加某些课程的员工和学生可能需要在这些课程中佩戴呼吸器,以防止新型冠状病毒肺炎或其他病毒的传播.

B.  Employees and Students will be notified if a Respirator is required.

C.  The College will provide a Respirator when required.

D.  Employees and Students must schedule a time to be fit tested for the Respirator by College staff.

V.  要求用户

A.  学院将在“要求用户”首次使用呼吸器或“要求用户”更改呼吸器类型之前为其提供培训, in a language and at a literacy level the Required User understands, 和理解, 至少包括以下内容:

1.  How to 检查, 穿 and 删除, and 使用 a Respirator;

2.  The limitations and capabilities of the Respirator, particularly when the Respirator has not been fit tested;

3.  Procedures and schedules for storing, 维护ing, and 检查ing 呼吸机;

4.  How to perform a 用户签章检查; and

5.  如何识别可能限制或妨碍呼吸器有效使用的医学体征和症状?如果所需用户出现体征和症状,该怎么办.

B.  用户签章检查

1.  学院要求所有使用贴身呼吸器的用户在每次佩戴呼吸器时进行用户密封检查,以确保呼吸器正确地固定在面部.

2.  Acceptable methods of 用户签章检查s include:

a. Positive pressure 使用r seal check (i.e., blow air out), including the following steps:

i. Conduct proper Hand Hygiene and properly don the Respirator;

ii. Place hands over the facepiece, covering as much surface area as possible;

3. 轻轻地呼气进入面罩.

iv. 如果在面罩内形成轻微的正压,没有任何迹象表明在密封处有空气向外泄漏,则认为面罩配合令人满意.

1)泄漏的证据的例子可以是空气在面部沿着面部密封运动的感觉, 玻璃起雾, or a lack of pressure being built up inside the facepiece.

2) If the particulate Respirator has an exhalation valve, 那么执行正压止回阀可能是不可能的,除非要求的用户能够覆盖呼气阀并且必须执行负压止回阀.

b. Negative pressure 使用r seal check (i.e., suck air in), including the following steps:

i. Conduct proper Hand Hygiene and properly don the Respirator;

ii. Cover the filter surface with hands as much as possible and then inhale.

3. 面罩应压在脸上,使用者应感觉不到空气在面罩和面罩之间通过.

3.  The Required User must correct any problems discovered during the 用户签章检查, such as:

a. In the case of either type of 用户签章检查 (positive or negative), 如果鼻子周围漏气, the Required User should 使用 both hands to readjust how the Respirator sits on the face or adjust the nosepiece, 如果适用的话.

b. The Required User may need to readjust the straps along the sides of the head until a proper seal is achieved.

C.  呼吸器的重复使用

1. A Filtering Facepiece Respirator may only be re使用d by the Required User who originally received the Respirator, 只有当:

a. The Respirator is not visibly soiled or damaged;

b. The Respirator has been 商店d in a breathable storage container (e.g., paper bag) for at least five (5) calendar days between 使用 and has been kept away from water or moisture;

c. The Required User does a visual check in adequate lighting for damage to the Respirator's fabric or seal;

d. The Required User successfully completes a 用户签章检查, as set forth above;

e. The Required User 使用s proper Hand Hygiene before putting the Respirator on and conducting the 用户签章检查; and

f. The Respirator has not been worn more than five (5) days total.

2. An Elastomeric Respirator or PAPR is only re使用d when:

a. 呼吸器没有损坏;

b. The Respirator is 清洗 and disinfected as often as necessary to be 维护ed in a sanitary condition; and

c. A change schedule is implemented for cartridges, canisters, or filters.

D.  停止使用呼吸器

1. 当需要使用的用户或主管报告医学体征或症状时,需要使用的用户必须停止使用呼吸器.g., 呼吸急促(气促), 咳嗽, 喘息, 胸部疼痛, any other symptoms related to lung problems, cardiovascular symptoms) that are related to the ability to 使用 a Respirator.

2. 任何先前进行过医疗评估并被确定不适合佩戴呼吸器的所需用户,除非他们经过重新评估并在医学上允许使用呼吸器,否则不会提供呼吸器.

VI.  自愿的用户

A.  无论何时在室内或在AACC地点乘坐车辆,员工和学生都可以戴口罩代替面罩.

B.  If a Voluntary User provides and 使用s their own 呼吸机, the following notice applies:

1. 呼吸机 can be an effective method of protection against COVID–19 hazards when properly selected and worn.

2. 即使在不需要使用呼吸器的情况下,也鼓励使用呼吸器为员工或学生提供额外的舒适和保护.

3. 然而, if a Respirator is 使用d improperly or not kept clean, the Respirator itself can become a hazard to the 使用r.

4. If the College allows 自愿的用户 to provide and 使用 their own Respirator, 自愿的用户 need to take certain precautions to be sure that the Respirator itself does not present a hazard.

5. 自愿的用户 should do the following:

a. Read and follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer on 使用, 维护, 清洁和护理, and warnings regarding the Respirator's limitations;

b. Keep track of the Respirator so that the Voluntary User does not mistakenly 使用 someone else’s Respirator;

c. Employees should not wear a Respirator where other workplace hazards (e.g., chemical exposures) require 使用 of a Respirator, 在这种情况下, 学院将为员工提供符合OSHA呼吸防护标准(29 CFR 1910)的呼吸器.134).

d. For more information about using a Respirator, see OSHA's respiratory protection safety and health topics page.


政策的标题: 呼吸机程序

政策类别: 一般

政策的所有者: 总统

策略管理员: Vice 总统 of Learning Resources Management

联系信息: mabeardmore@use-iphone.com; 410-777-2532; To report a positive test or COVID symptoms, submit a COVID安全报告 或者发邮件给 COVIDSafety@use-iphone.com

批准日期: 2023年3月6日

有效日期: 2023年3月24日

历史: Interim Procedure on 呼吸机 adopted on March 24, 2022

适用于: All College employees, students, and visitors